The concept of genre -- and the conventions that comprise them -- is going to form the basis of our "Speech 2 Unit" on speech genres. To activate some schematic connections inside our brains, I want us to work from our prior knowledge about music genres, film genres, and then textual genres so we can dig into speech genres during Wednesday's class.
I wanted to post these videos to help you (re)consider the following questions which can, hopefully, help you to think about the relationship between genres and their conventions:
I wanted to post these videos to help you (re)consider the following questions which can, hopefully, help you to think about the relationship between genres and their conventions:
- what's the "glue" that binds these songs together?
- what about them makes them fall into the “country music” category?
- at what points do they bend/blend into other genres (such as folk, blues, and bluegrass)?
Country music as a music genre...
"Your Cheating Heart"
"Coal Miner’s Daughter"
"Whiskey River"
"I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow"
Horror movies as a film genre...
Scenario: all of a sudden, you're sitting in the middle of a movie theater, watching a horror movie. How do you know you're watching a horror movie? What features/things about this movie make it a horror movie?
After you jot down your predictions, let's put our hypotheses to the test!
The Shining
Paranormal Activity
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