Check out these metagenres -- genres about themselves. They each reference their own conventions throughout them, and this might give you some ideas for working through your Speech #2.
Here's an example of a (meta) self-referential genre that you could create for WP3. It's an advertising/branding video about... advertising/branding videos!
Want another? Below, you'll find a Nine Inch Nails song (the frontman is named Trent Reznor) about Nine Inch Nails songs.
For reference, here are a couple of original NiN videos. Note: it's firmly planted on the creepy and profane side -- though I have to admit, I think it's also firmly planted on the super cool side of artsy-fartsy-ness -- but it's one of the best self-referential examples of a genre that I've seen.
An absolutely awesome former student of mine, Pamela Santos, created this self-referential YouTube video of a "Vlog Update."
OK, now if you really wanna let loose and get totally wild'n'crazy, click this link to find an APA paper about... APA papers! (I know, I know -- we're really "going for it!")
Want another? Below, you'll find a Nine Inch Nails song (the frontman is named Trent Reznor) about Nine Inch Nails songs.
For reference, here are a couple of original NiN videos. Note: it's firmly planted on the creepy and profane side -- though I have to admit, I think it's also firmly planted on the super cool side of artsy-fartsy-ness -- but it's one of the best self-referential examples of a genre that I've seen.
An absolutely awesome former student of mine, Pamela Santos, created this self-referential YouTube video of a "Vlog Update."
OK, now if you really wanna let loose and get totally wild'n'crazy, click this link to find an APA paper about... APA papers! (I know, I know -- we're really "going for it!")
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