Monday, May 2, 2016


Here are some helpful resources that can help you work through your portfolio project -- specifically, how to make a podcast!  As far as submission requirements go: as long as I can watch/listen to it, you're good to go!  If you can turn your portfolio speech/video into a file so that I can download it, even better.  I'd like you to post/link your work to your blog, but if you're not comfortable doing that, feel free to email me.  :)

Click here for an excellent article on podcasting.  If you wanna cut to the meat'n'potatoes, go to Chapter 4 for the logistical "how to.'

Podcasting with Audacity (a free program) that can be used on Macs and PCs:

I use Garageband for a DJ podcast that I do every once in a while called The People's Radio Show.  Here's my Christmas episode.  (Warning: it's a little weird.)

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